STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Reading input at high frequency

Hi,I've encountered a problem with digital input probing. I have two signals connected to my GPIO on the STM32 F411; the first one is the CMD line, and the second is CLK. Based on the CLK, I would like to read incoming bits on CMD, but only for a spe...

tjak by Associate II
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Resolved! NetxDuo not working with a static IP addresss

 Hello everyone,  I'm getting my feet wet with ThreadX and NetxDuo.I'm using a NUCLEO-H563ZI board.I started by building and flashing the Nx_UDP_Echo_Server example project to the board using the STM32CubeIDE.This worked right away. The board got add...

Systick IRQ priority and HAL_Delay()

Hello everyone,return to the issue of problems that can arise using the HAL_Delay (), within the Interrupt service functions in projects for embedded systems without RTOS.Briefly: the HAL_Delay (), uses the interrupts thrown every mSec by the system ...

LVara.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H753ZI adc oversample CUBEmx error

Hello all,I bought two NUCLEO-H753ZI to experiment the ADC.Used the CUBEMX inside the STM32CubeIDE to configure the ADC to do 4x oversample (ADC1 Oversampling Ratio = "Oversampling ratio 4x").Then generated the code, but it does not compile: ... hadc...

linuxfan by Associate II
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