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I had debugging problems with a H7 target, and by stepping thru the boot process I found the following line in SystemInit(): /* * Disable the FMC bank1 (enabled after reset). * This, prevents CPU speculation access on this bank which blocks the...
After Upgrading to Cube 1.13.0 with CubeMX6.9.0, my project is no longer compatible with CubeMX 6.8.1.When I start the CodeGenerator, it creates a file \Drivers\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32H7xx\Source\Templates\system_stm32h7xx.cwhich is a duplicate for the...
I'm still struggling with the ethernet code. I have some custom hardware that where several H743 controllers are powered on at the same time and sometimes they don't get all a connection (no IP address from dhcp). But I can reproduce this error as we...
I have a project with STM32H743ZI, lwIP, noOS. I've read the document with the suggested settings for MPU, linker file, lwIP head placement and applied the changes to CubeMX generated code.Additionally, I have set the MEM_ALIGNMENT to 32 bytes and ad...
I'm using VSCode/Debug-Cortex with STLink V3Mini. The target is a board with STM32H743VI and SWD. The board has only basic swd with GND, 3V3, SWDIO, SWCLK. There is no reset line, unfortunately also not on other headers.When I start debugging, the de...
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