erase and write internal flash
Do I need to disable global interrupts for internal flash erase and write operations? __disable_irq(); erase(); __enable_irq(); __disable_irq(); write(); __enable_irq();
Do I need to disable global interrupts for internal flash erase and write operations? __disable_irq(); erase(); __enable_irq(); __disable_irq(); write(); __enable_irq();
I'm looking to use an STM32F407I for EtherNet/IP communication with some industrial motors and sensors.I cannot seem to find a library that would help me do that for the STM32F4.I found this, but I didn't really understand how to use the solution tha...
Hello everyone, I am working with the STM32F411E and i am trying to make the LSM303DLHC working on my board. At this moment i am using this lib:
Hi all,I want to access a NandFlash(H27U1G8F2B) chip which is extended by STM32F429BI's FMC;According the datasheet, seems the default value after erase is '1' for each bit.But I read the value by program is '0':My test code as below:#define TEST_NUM...
Hi,I going to choose "B-L4S5I-IOT01A" this board for my project (it is combination of ADC and IOT), can please in which IDE version having all these libraries for ADC and Wi-Fi on this board.Thanks,
We're running into what seems to be a low-level race-condition when initializing LWIP on boot. The LWIP always initializes successfully after using the STLink to flash the .elf either in debug and release modes. After flashing, I verify by sending a ...
Hi,I'm a little lost, I would like to use the alternative6 (AF6) function on my stm32f405. I tried to do it via cube mx by configuring the pins but the generated code seems strange to me :So for me I'd like to use SPI3 with PB3/4/5 so AF6 in datashe...
Hi, I integrated the OpenBootlader for the STM32L552 to my project and it works normally as expected. I'm only using the UART interface and reduced the boot loader project to the minimum.The problem I'm facing is that sometimes the flashing stops, be...
I am working on a ThreadX project on my STM32H747I-Disco with M7 and M4 cores. I want to allocate memory dynamically in the initialization phase that can be accessed from both cores. For this, I am planning to use the "tx_byte_pool_create" and "tx_by...
We notice, after a certain time, a totaly break of UDP/IP communication (LwIP layer) of our STM32H7 project (FreeRTOS layer is also used).This stop occurs without any particular external condition and generally after a fairly long time (after a few h...