STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32 firmware update (USB DFU) and encryption

HiI successfully got the USB DFU bootlader working in 2 hours.This one: i would like to add some encryption to it with a time budget of couple of hours.I am already using python for USB DFU update.What i...

MK..1 by Associate III
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UDP packet loss

Posted on July 02, 2018 at 13:38Hi, im using stm32f7+ freertos+lwip (raw api). My system handles web server and udp data communication. My frame length is 572 bytes and my FPS is 40 (22880 bytes/sec) at start. When i increase the package number to 8...


STM32U5G9 USB HUB+MSC transmission timeout

Hello,I want to test the read and write speed of U5 on the USB flash drive. I have made modifications to the demo (STM32U5G9J-DK2 \ Applications \ USBX \ Ux_Host_HUB_HID_MSC) so that I can observe the read and write speed.#define MASS_TEST_WR_LEN (64...

Xiang_0-1718349792318.png Xiang_1-1718349871401.png
Xiang by Associate II
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USBC PD multiport TCPM debounce CC lines

Hi,I'm developing 3-port USB PD hub device with STM32 USBPD library. I have an issue with powering up device with a PD contract over USBC port when it has already plugged sinks on other ports.Investigation over I2C bus communication show that the iss...


Resolved! Configure FatFs for 256 page size

Hello All,  I am planning to port FatFs on the IS25LP064A flash drive to communicate with my STM32H573ii over SPI. The FreeRTOS is running on STM32H573ii.According to the IS25LP064A datasheet, the maximum page size is 256 bytes. The total size of the...

paras by Associate
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SPI DMA request triggered by Timer-compare

Hallo everyone,As engineer who started to explore the world of MCU's years after my retirement, I regularly encounter problems that puzzle me for some time. However, since I'm stuck for several days now, I decided to ask for assistance by this forum....

FredS by Senior
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HAL_ADCEx_EndOfSamplingCallback in DMA mode?

Is it possible to make HAL_ADCEx_EndOfSamplingCallback fire when ADC is running in the dual mode with DMA .More specifically: On a NUCLEO-H723ZG, the ADC is started by HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeStart_DMA() and ADC2 is a slave to ADC1. The ADC conversion is ...

pimaty by Associate
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