Resolved! Where to find header file for STM32L073RZT6? I'm unable to find.
How to use header file in our code?
How to use header file in our code?
hi all A digital voice audio is received from the radio at stm32h753. Is there an example source for using i2s I2S_MODE_MASTER_RX mode? I need audio I2S_MODE_MASTER_RX example source.Help me Thanks
Dear all,I'm working on a project based on STM32F479 and FreeRTOS. In this project the microcontroller is connected via I2C and SPI bus to other devices, such as switch ethernet and spi-uart converter. I run the initialization of these devices before...
Hi, I am using the STM32H573I-DK eval board. I can able to write and read the data in flash memory (sector 127). But after resetting or power cycle it does not retain the data. that sector fills with 0xFFFFFFFF only. how do fix this issue? Here is m...
As title, MCU:STM32L151RET6, use freertos and enable tickless, when run PreSleepProcessing(uint32_t *ulExpectedIdleTime) function sometimes, cause hardfault. the sleep para is PWR_LOWPOWERREGULATOR_ON. but when use PWR_MAINREGULATOR_ON, it's run OK....
Hello,I am using STM32G4 series controller. I am using Timer 2 channel 2 as trigger source for Timer 4 and Timer 2 channel 3 for PWM generation. Also Timer4 channel 1 is used for PWM generation. First time both the timers Timer2 and Timer4 starts at ...
I am using "HAL_UART_Transmit" and "HAL_UART_Receive" in the HAL uart driver to perform uart communication. While adding the CRC check to the communication protocol, I am wondering if there's any HAL uart driver API that incorporates CRC check functi...
Dear support team,I download recently the last release of Stm32cubeF4 v1.28 and I have the MDK V5.38 installed in my machine, so normally I was expecting that examples will build out of the box but it's not the case.It looks like the project example ...
Hello,I am using the nucleo h755zi-q board on my project. I am having issues with getting the uart driver to work with the LL library. For starters I have the CM4 core disabled via the option bytes and am just working with the CM7. Code for clockConf...
Hi, I want to read flash memory to determine whether or not valid data is in the flash. And if this data can be used in my application. in my code, if I deference a Flash memory address I immediately get a ECCD error. Why is this happening? Thanks,