STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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stm32cubeide fatfs f_close FS_DISK_ERR

I have a board with stm32f407zgt6. I'm using freertos and fatfs. The board has a connection for an SDCARD, I'm using a 4GB SDCARD with fat32.For reading, F_open, f_read, f_close, everything works. When I use it to write, f_close takes a long time and...

MSilv.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! LevelX FileX

Can anyone please confirm that LevelX and FileX can only be used with AzureRTOS. Everything that I have read indicates as such. Both only available when AzureRTOS is enabled as well as using CubeMX.Thanks in advance!!!

dsmail1 by Associate II
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Submit fixes for SVD files

Hi, I noticed several times that SVD files contain errors compared to what's documented in MCU RMs.The whole purpose of the repository is basically to fix those errors and supply accurate SVD files for Rust embedd...

vinchatl by Associate II
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Resolved! mDNS on LWIP TCP server

I'm tying to setup TCP server using ethernet communications (Nucleo-F767ZI) and find that I can ping the board using the router allocated IP address but I'd like to do the same using Hostname. In STM32CubeMx .ioc file, under Network Interface Options...

jaykay by Associate
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STM327H73 and USB2514 continued problems

We are continuing having a bear of a time getting the USB2514 to work properly with the STM327H73 both with the USB2514 built into our board and also with the STM327H73 connected to a EVB-USB2514BCQFM36 eval board.The latest issue is as follows:Conne...

PCevo.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! SYSTICK access issue

STM32CubeIDE 1.17.0 - using the CMSIS headers - NUCLEO F411REI have the following function that is trying to use SYSTICK to give a delay in milliseconds, #include "stm32f4xx.h" // actaully contained in another header put here for question clarity /*...

systick_issue (1).png