STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32F4: jump to MCU bootloader

Posted on June 01, 2018 at 07:54I think I got the concept of how to jump to the MCU built-in bootloader but I never got it working. And often information is opposing each other.My requirement is simple and very common, hence I hope somebody has code...

ST32F429 two usb host problem

Hello All and thank you in advanced I have a pplication that we use two host usb connected to flash disks , one uses PORTA usb and other uses PORT B usb . i have test every usb seperatlly with file system after modifie usb_diskio and all work with n...

USB Device not recognized in PC

Im connecting STM32F103RBT6 controller to PC through USB, Where Im sending 8X8 keyboard data. The USB device is detected by PC but it generates an "Error code 10"  on Windows.Im using Vendor Id:0X0483 and Product Id:0X1010, DeviceClass = 0X02 and Dev...