2019-06-16 6:55 PM
There is a bug to set baud-rate of uart9.
If I set it to 9600, it works as 19200.
I think it is a problem of driver code.
The UART9 and UART10 should use PCLK2 but the code uses PLCK1.
Please check below.
My environment:
Win 10. 1809
STM32CubxMX version 5.2.1
Atollic TrueSTUDIO® for STM32, Built on Eclipse Neon.1a.
Version: 9.3.0
Build id: 20190212-0734
stm32f4xx_hal_uart.c : line 3094
#if defined(USART6)
if ((huart->Instance == USART1) || (huart->Instance == USART6))
huart->Instance->BRR = UART_BRR_SAMPLING16(HAL_RCC_GetPCLK2Freq(), huart->Init.BaudRate);
if (huart->Instance == USART1)
huart->Instance->BRR = UART_BRR_SAMPLING16(HAL_RCC_GetPCLK2Freq(), huart->Init.BaudRate);
#endif /* USART6 */
huart->Instance->BRR = UART_BRR_SAMPLING16(HAL_RCC_GetPCLK1Freq(), huart->Init.BaudRate);
datasheet : stm32f413vg.pdf page 37