Where can I get a usb-cdc example for STM32F7?
Where can I get a usb-cdc example for STM32F7?Someone linked a working example for L4 here:https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X00009XkYWiSAN/usb-cdc-example-for-stm32l432But the link is dead.
Where can I get a usb-cdc example for STM32F7?Someone linked a working example for L4 here:https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X00009XkYWiSAN/usb-cdc-example-for-stm32l432But the link is dead.
Hi i have a Quad Ana log-to-Digital Converter (ADC)(ADAU1978). I have to interface the same with STM32F407 discovery board by using I2C. The output of the ADAU1978 quad ADC is in I2S mode . Now i want to store the I2S output data into SD card. How do...
We have a newly designed board that uses an STM32F765 up and running. However with the BOOT0 line held high it does not present a DFU interface on the USB_FS port. The USB_FS_DP line remains low. We can run suitable USB_FS code on the STM32F765 and t...
I am using an ST32F7 device that incorporates IEEE 1588 hardware within the core. I need to know if this functionality is already within the HAL drivers, etc.... and if there is an app note or sample project available. I see discrete steps for mask...
Hi, Writing to EEPROM worked fine like that on our KB but since we switched to STM32L071CB the Problems started.bool eeprom_interface_write_init(void) { if(HAL_OK == HAL_FLASHEx_DATAEEPROM_Unlock()) //unlock DATAEEPROM { ...
Greetings,I am trying to implement SPI based fat file system in stm32F0 Discovery Board. I want to use HAL SPI. My connections are as show in image.Any guidance or sample code for implementing fat file system will be of great help.
I've pointed this out before, but still spreading throughout the code base.STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.19.0\Projects\STM32F429I-Discovery\Demonstrations\STemWin\Core\Src\k_rtc.c/** * @brief Configures TIM5 to measure the LSI oscillator frequency. * @para...
Posted on May 30, 2018 at 18:04I've railed on this before, but it keeps getting into the HAL code base. Can someone in charge of managing the software group please explain to the team members who keep using this construct what is wrong with it.. Thi...
Hello,I'm sending data on UART using DMA with HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA().As sometimes I need to send two messages consecutively, I'm testing if the previousmessage is sent before preparing the new one. I do something like this:void sendData(){ u...
The LL_GPIO_AF_EnableRemap_USART1 in stm32f1xx_ll_gpio (STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.6.1) gives problems with debugging. Solved by using __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_USART1_ENABLE but when the code is regenerated the fix has to be applied again.