STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! Hi, In a custom board I've the STM32F722 connected to a 8GB eMMC with a 24Mhz clock. I'm having issue reading (sigle or multiple block ) with the DMA using the HAL_MMC_ReadBlocks_DMA function.

STM32F722STM32CubeF7 Firmware Package V1.11.0 / 23-February-2018.Hi,In a custom board I've the STM32F722 connected to a 8GB eMMC with a 24Mhz clock.I'm having issue reading (sigle or multiple block ) with the DMA using the HAL_MMC_ReadBlocks_DMA func...

Bug on SDcard and stm32f415 ?

Hi, i have a problem with my project....I'm using Fat and SD with freertos to read/write files on SD using hdma channel.First part i fixed all "SDIO_STA_STBITER" with "SDIO_STA_STBITERR" (with 2 "R" ) because a typo is present.But i see the interrupt...

Marco1 by Associate II
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['F407 OTG] Is OTGx_HPRT.PENA rc_w0?

In RM0090 rev.17 both OTG_FS and OTG_HS, the HPRT.PENA is described as rc_w0.However, the code in Cube does not support this; rather, it seems it's rc_w1.RM0390 says it's rc_w1, and although it's a slightly different revision of the OTG core, I'd say...

STM32F072B-Discovery TSC Cube Project

I try to generate TSC project by using STM Cube,but I am not sure how to write this function: void HAL_TSC_ConvCpltCallback(TSC_HandleTypeDef* htsc).There is same function in "STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F0_V1.9.0\Projects\STM32F072B-Discovery\...

New.Fish by Associate III
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STM32L152 Bootloader Extended Erase Failure

Using our internally developed tool for writing a binary to a target using the in-ROM Bootloader according to AN3155 and AN2606, we were unable to appropriately perform commands as described in both application notes, specifically Bootloader Extended...

CVoro by Associate II
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