Resolved! Nucleo-446re internal adc
Hi everyoneI want to measure a small voltage of 10mv-50mv of a sine wave.Can i use Internal adc of nucleo board ? what is the lowest voltage i can measure using internal adc.
Hi everyoneI want to measure a small voltage of 10mv-50mv of a sine wave.Can i use Internal adc of nucleo board ? what is the lowest voltage i can measure using internal adc.
I have an STM32F411E-DISCO board and I am facing a problem with the I2C1 Peripheral. 1. I configured the I2C1 (PB6 & PB9) to interface with the CS43L22 Audio DAC on the Discovery Board and it gets stuck at waiting for the SB bit in I2C1->SR1 register...
HI EveryoneI am using Nucleof446RE board for uart communication through usb cable which is also my power supplyIs it possible to use external 5V supply for MCU and use USB cable only for uart communication or any uart to usb converters are needed to ...
I was implementing i2c on the stm32f4 to read the as5600 magnetic encoder. Everything ran perfectly for a while, then the I2C got stuck, I check and see that after the start generate, sda transition when the scl still low. I checked many times and t...
I tried to set the SPI CLK to 20MHz at VDD=1.8V, but there was no output signal at PB13. When I change to 5 MHz it returns to normal, but the waveform seems to have been filtered by the low-pass filter. Finally, I set it to 2.5MHz to make it work st...
Hi,I'm trying to use spi on STEVAL-IDB008v2 board I want to wire spi flash dev board, after reading the documentation I'm not sure but if I want to have spi on bluenrg2 I have to desolder R64 and R63 resistors ? EDIT : it's seem 1-2sel and 3-4sel are...
Hey,I want to read an EC11 encoder without disturbing the main loop, so I decided to use interrupts.Can I connect both pin A and pin B of the encoder to PA1 and PB1, and use only EXTI1 to map the switching events to the same interrupt routine?
Hello everyone, I am try to use ethernet in NUCLEO-H743Z2I Board. I am new at this.I read a lot of article and watch a few videos but I cannot configure and ping test to board.I also read this article
I am looking for some overview on my custom STM32H747 PCB design - mainly that my schematic for the power supply and VCAP etc. are correct The board is to be powered by SMPS.All comments welcome!
HiI am currently controlling a Fluke serial device over RS232 from a laptop and python script. I simply send requests for information which is returned and logged in my laptop. I'm using a Startech RS232 to USB lead incorporating the Prolific - PL2...