STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Forum Posts

Resolved! TIM2 remap causes an stlink error

Hello, please help me.I use stm32f103rc mcu, stlink v2 and keil uvision5.So executing AFIO->MAPR |= AFIO_MAPR_TIM2_REMAP_FULLREMAP;causes stlik connection error.Algorithm:Flash the MCU with keil uvision.Step to remmaping line in code. In this stage e...

DmtryVovk by Associate II
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ST-Link Utility CLI for STM32L151

EnvironmentInstalled software:STM32 ST-LINK utility (STSW-LINK004) v ; (with its ST-LINK_CLI). STM32CubeProgrammer (STM32CubeProg) v 2.0.0 (with its STM32_Programmer_CLI). Hardware:MCU: STM32L151CB.Debugger: STLink/V2 hardware.I am using ST-L...

PPK by Associate II
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Copy SWV received data

I can receive data through SWO and watch it in "SWV Console" of truestudio or in "Serial Wire Viewer" of ST-LINK Utility. But unfortunately, it seems that It is not possible to copy this data.Is there any way to do this? why copying data is not enabl...