2020-02-20 3:46 AM
Hi.I con not figure out how ST-Link and debugger works. I use ST-LINK GDB Server in STM32CubeIDE.
I wrote simple c program, which blinks LED all around (it toggles LED and wait 200ms, and so on)
I tested it on my desktop PC, and when i start debugging it seems to work. In SFR register window i can see, that values change (stepping code) but when i wrote this simple program in CubeIDE on my laptop, the debugger starts to work and nothing happens. None of the SFR values in view window change. Where can be the problem?
2020-02-20 4:22 AM
Do you get some kind of error? Are you sure the debug session is launched? If so, after it breaks on main (unless changed from default) what happens if you click the resume button in the Debug Perspective?
2020-02-20 4:50 AM
Perspective is switching int debug. I do not get any errors. I press Resume, or Step Over(F6). StepOver on Desktop PC works like this: When i press (F6) i can see that LED change (on, off) and on the right yallow line selection change. On Lapto (not working) the yallow line selection change when i press Pause