STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Forum Posts

I am planing to design a USB interface for programming purposes on STM32H743VIT6 as the bootloader is already integrated on the µC.

I wondering on which hardware configuration, I have to implement for this purpose.Could I just use the differential pair as in joined picture without VBUS (as the µC is supplier on Board)?I would like to get more details on how to design this interfa...

SAbis by Associate III
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Hello, I am designing my Hadrware base on STM32H743VI. Was looking for Power supply application note I could not find any. I would like to know how I would have to connect my VCAP as the LDO is not used or provided. Shall I put it on 100n??

What about Vref+??As I am not using any Battery, I have decided to connect Vbat directly to VDD, is that correct?OSC32 will not be used in my app, will it be possible for to leave it open?

SAbis by Associate III
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Resolved! ST-Link v3 Mini with STM32CubeIDE

HiI am using STM32CUBEIDE on macOS. Until now I used my ST-Link v2 via SWD with no problems. I have recently upgraded to an ST-Link v3 MINI and implemented the STDC14 connector on my custom pcbs. The pinout is according to the datasheet (the pins on ...

LStoe.1 by Associate II
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Power management issue STM32L078RB

I join the schematic of my board to the question. I am unable to connect my custom board, the error message on STM32CubeProgrammer is "Not STM32 target found" even it detects the supply voltage. The VDD required for the MCU is 1.8V and I connect all ...

AAmor.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L4A6VGT6P - is the SMPS optional?

I am in the process of designing a new controller for a product and the only processors that seem available in any quantity are the -P versions. The datasheet isn't clear for these if the SMPS is optional and you can just use the internal LDO, or if ...

SHugh.2 by Associate III
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該�?�判定書(Parameter Sheet)


MMats.3 by Associate
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