Hi, I need some help with designing an oscillator for an STM32, I have some questions:1. I use the 32KHz oscillator only for the watchdog, so I don't need much precision, but is it still necessary or advisable to use an external crystal or is th...
Hello?We are reviewing a high-speed USB communication interface that connects to the STM32H7 series.Among the currently commercialized products, there seem to be about three that are used a lot, but there is no choice.First is the STUPLI01 (made by S...
Hi!I’m developing a board with the STM32H755XIH3 and I need to increase the RAM memory, so I pretend to use the FMC, but the thing is that I will need 4Gbit of capacity, which I think is the maximum capacity available for the FMC, so I select an SDRA...
AN4718 "How to design a V BAT system based onSTM32L0/L1 ..."Case 1b, it is stated, quote:"V DD /V DDA can also be switched to V BACKUP when STM32L0/STM32L1 MCU goes into STOP mode, to allow user to remove main supply in very safe way."End quote.Quest...
Hello,After prototyping with a Nucleo H7 board, I'm setting now up a custom board with a STM32H723ZGT6 MCU (the same MCU present on the Nucleo).I connected my USB Dongle ST-Link V2 via SWD to program the MCU and after having struggled a bit, I have f...
My code is simply :HAL_Delay(100); HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOA,GPIO_PIN_5); uint8_t buffer[] = "Hello, World!\r\n"; CDC_Transmit_FS(buffer, sizeof(buffer));But nothing...> The led is blinking.> The VCp is define via *.IOC with no error.> Comp...
I'm interfacing Nucleo-H753ZI with DAC8775EVM through SPI4. DAC8775EVM works on logic HI in range of 5V and expects the same logic from Nucleo-H753ZIbut Nucleo-H753ZI MCU itself runs at 3.6V so Logic Hi isn't read by DAC8775EVM.How to Change the logi...
Hello.I will try undestand how work plate 'B-G431B-ESC1', more precisely schema operational amplifier (on image).I have not understood, what does resistors R1, R2, R3 need on cicuit with getting current from shunt? What is the idea behind their work?...
Hi All,I use the STM32H743ZI2-NUCLEO board with JP5 on 1.8V for MCU_VDD.Running the LWIP example, the Ethernet doesn't work (It does work when running with 3.3V).Any idea how to make it work with 1.8V?Thanks,David