STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Resolved! 32F746GDISCOVERY Altium Project Files

It appears like the board design project files link is not linked to the proper files. When I click it, I get BOM info. I am looking for the Altium project files for the 32F746GDISCOVERY  board.  Can someone please let me know how I can get the Altiu...

DHilg.1 by Associate
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Stencil aperture for WLCSP12?

WLCSP12 package in pages 83-85 of: defined pad diameter and solder mask aperture diameter but... where can I find solder paste aperture?This is very specific package, 0.35mm pitch. I found so...

CNiev by Associate
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Resolved! What is the STM32F103CBT6 life cycle?

ST(Semiconductor) chip STM32F103CBT6, NRND(NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS) notice information has not been found on the website, how long is the remaining life cycle of this chip?When is the expected date FOR the manufacturer to notify NRND(NOT RECO...

xwang.6 by Associate III
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