STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Forum Posts

Designing with STM32L496QGI6

Hello Team,We are planning to use the MCU STM32L496QGI6 for one of our products.The HSE we are using is ECS-480-10-37B2-RWN-TR (48MHz crystal) and the value of the load capacitor is 20pF.The board works well with HSI, but when we switched to HSE, eve...

shibin by Associate II
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STM32H setting security bit fails

I am trying to set the SECURITY bit on a STM32H7B3ZITX using STM32CubeProgrammer (v2.10.0). But it fails, see attached screenshot. I also tried setting the bit using the firmware. This does not produce any errors, but the bit is still not set. Follow...

Bart_ by Associate II
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Search for a ST dev. board

Hello,There are 3 lines of hardware development tools (quite a lot of products):Nucleo boardsSTM32 discovery kitsSTM32 eval boardsFor prototyping of my HW concept I want to use one of ST boards (essentially uC) to control my custom stuff.The ST board...

Pavel_47 by Associate II
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Resolved! CLI does not find any device.

Dear CommunityI recently acquired a development kit and proceeded step by step according to the document "Quick Start Guide High-Speed Sensor Datalogger application for STEVAL-STWINKT1 (HSDatalog)" but I can't get the CLI examples to work (...

Ferag by Associate
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STM32F103C8T6 on UBUNTU 20.0

HiI am trying to get the blue pill detected on Ubuntu desktop , its now detected as LED Display board . Background I have flashed the blue pill on windows 64 but and trying to use the Bluepill on Ubuntu through wine , this board will act as the Softw...

W77 by Associate
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Resolved! problem with CDC_Transmit_FS ,junk data

hello every one , I'm working with nucleo 144 F4, and im trying to send data via virtual com port using CDC_Transmit_FS, but in my Hterm im receiving junk data also i don't why ,,i saw online that there is zero length packet but i don't know how to i...

zohbou by Associate
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