STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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HiI'm following the UM2692 to start a develop with the STSPIN32F060x.I just have the STEVAL-CTM011V1A board and the STLINKV3 with the isolator adapter and a 1/6HP three phase motor.I started the "Fimware Debug" part on the UM2692, page 7.Perform the ...

PGinhson by Associate III
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Resolved! XIP mode in CM4

HI, community I'm working on QSPI FLASH in STM32H747I DISCO ,i was able to access XIP mode in M7 .Currently I'm trying to work on M4 tried XIP mode in CM4 but there isn't cache in M4 ,and i was not able to access XIP mode .Is the cache the issue or s...

Resolved! Problem with loops on STM32F103C8T6

Hello! I’m using Keil uVision to program the stm32f103c8t6 (blue pill). I’m having problems with the loops when trying to turn on and off the LED on pin 13 port C. I just wanted to use a loop to generate a delay without needing to use timers, since I...

Resolved! How to find GPIO pin for Adc module

Hello everyone,i want to config gpio pin as adc chanels on stm32f103c8t6, i have read the GPIO chapter and ADC chapter,but i can not find out what is GPIO pin for each ADC chanel,example GPIOA_pin0 for ADC1_chanel0...,what is the chapter describe abo...

BinhTsks by Associate II
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How to program clone ST-Link V2.1

Hi, I am making my clone ST-Link v2.1 device using 128 KB STM32F103CBT6 mcu. Please help clarify as follows: 1) Do I need to set Boot 0 pin = 1 and Boot 1 pin = 0 in order to program the bootloader into the device?2) Do I need to set Boot 0 pin = 0 a...

STehA.1 by Associate II
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