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Hi,I want to use the DMA FIFO for UART2 on the STM32H753ZI discovery board.DMA in direct mode works, but sometimes I have almost concurrent events that need to be transmitted ASAP over the same UART (a few ms delay is no problem). It seems sometimes ...
Hi,I'm using the H753ZI board with 26 ADC inputs on ADC1 & ADC3.The ADC pins run in DMA circular mode and all inputs seem to work fine except one pin: PA2PA2 is configured like the other pins: Analog mode, no pull-up and no pull-downBut the pin seems...
Hi,I'm trying to use an interrupt with CMSIS_RTOS2. The user button is configured to use as an interrupt source:When I push the button, the system freezes. I suspect the interrupt flag doesn't get cleared but I have no idea why.There is nothing (yet)...
I'm trying to work with a slider on the STM32F429I-Discovery board.I have build a GUI with the GUI-tool.The widgets are created in the LogViewerDLG.c file as follows:static const GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO _aDialogCreate[] = {{ FRAMEWIN_CreateIndirect, "...
Does anyone how to clock the NUCLEO-H753ZI to 480MHz?With this clock configuration it runs perfectly on 400Mhz, if I put the DIVN1 from the PLL1 a little above 200, in order to get a clock speed over 400MHz the board is stuck. STM32CubeMX and STM32Cu...
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