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NUCLEO-G071RB hardware issue



Recently I have purchased an evaluation board "NUCLEO-G071RB" to program/debug our custom board using ST-LINK. After 4 time successfully attemps to program our custom board, the evaluation board came with follow error and it was impossible to make it fix.

Error in final launch sequence:

Failed to execute MI command:
target remote localhost:61234

Error message from debugger back end:
localhost:61234: Connection timed out.
Failed to execute MI command:
target remote localhost:61234

Error message from debugger back end:
localhost:61234: Connection timed out.
localhost:61234: Connection timed out.

I tried to change the debug setting to make it work, but no success. Finally I have found that there is a short circuited between T_JTMS and GND. 

We are using nucleo board to debug our custom board for almost one year with no single error, but this time with hardware fault on the nucleo board. The SWD signals from ST-LINK goes directly to the custom board. 

I have measured every components on the board, all seem to be ok. The short circuit is on the MCU STM32F103CBT6 between T_JTMS and GND.

Any idea?

Thank you.