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I have a custom STM32 Board that is supposed to act as a flight computer. Currently I am having trouble connecting to the STM32F4 chip over SWD.I am using a STLinkV3.I can read the following voltages:Vdd = 2.4VVda = 3.3VBoot0 = 2.4VBoot1 = GNDNRST 2....
HI!I am trying to program a custom STM32F446 Board using the SWD connections on the board. When trying to flash the custom board I receive the following error on OpenOcd:   xPack Open On-Chip Debugger 0.12.0+dev-01312-g18281b0c4-dirty (2023-09-04-22:...
So I have a abstracted function to read the INA226 component. The function reads the data completely fine over I2C. The problem occurs when I try to display the read data on my dev terminal (Terra Term) over the COM port for STM32. The output on the ...
Hi!I am somewhat unclear on how to handle variable length transmissions using the STM32F4xx HAL. I have looked at other solutions, and suggestions have been made to use HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_DMA() or the ISR equivalent.My situation however, involv...
Currently I am trying to interface with a LM75A temperature sensor using the STM32F446RE nucleo board.From the datasheet of the LM75A, I gathered that the sensor, returns a temperature measurement without any configuration.So I tried to simply hook u...