STM32 MCUs Security

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Forum Posts

How to validate an image with security features enabled?

Hi all,In our project we have enabled the ENABLE_IMAGE_STATE_HANDLING flag and download an image via YMODEM transfer to our NUCLEO-L476RG. However, when we try to validate the image by calling SE_APP_ValidateFw(), our STM reboots and does a rollback....

ac_gd by Associate II
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Resolved! File not correctly received - SBSFU

I am trying to follow the getting started guide (UM2262) for the SBSFU using our own hardware.  I have got as far getting to the main "secure boot and secure firmware update" screen in Tera Term, however when trying to send the .sfb file, I get the f...

Issue with SBSFU integration with custom user application

 Hi,I am trying to integrate custom user application with SBSFU bootloader for p-nucleo-WB55 and I was wondering in case anyone saw the following issue.When I try to use the Secure Engine functions for validation in my user application, the program g...

kaur by Associate III
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Unable to set STM32U5 RDP password via USB interface

Hi,The STM32U5 has a password feature to restrict RDP regression from level 1 to level 0. However it seems that STM32CubeProgrammer CLI is unable to activate this via the USB interface of the built-in bootloader. If I do it via STLink then it works f...

AHugh.2 by Associate II
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STM32U585 - Secure boot loader

Hello Everyone,We are currently working with STM32U585 microcontroller for one of our IoT project.In this project we are planning to implement secure boot.In this regard we want some clarification on the below points,1.  After doing secure firmware i...

Surya S by Associate II
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Resolved! Failing to provision Secure Manager

We're trying to provision Secure Manager on our H573ZI-based engineering prototype boards.We've only successfully provision only one out of three and the successful one took several tries.We're using the same provision.bat/provision_auto.bat (from SM...