STM32U5 MCU Secure Boot ---> TrustZone is disabled
I have STM32U5 MCU and the TrusZone is disabled. Is it possible to have secure boot or not. If yes, please can you explain to me how I can achieve this. Thanks a lot0 Kudos Reply
I have STM32U5 MCU and the TrusZone is disabled. Is it possible to have secure boot or not. If yes, please can you explain to me how I can achieve this. Thanks a lot0 Kudos Reply
I have a problem with merge SBSFU .elf file and application .elf.I prepared:SBSFU.elf - addresses in linker script: 0x08000000 - 0x08020000application.elf - 0x08020400 - 0x081FFFFFheader.bin - size: 1024BSo I suppose, that like in SBSFU example heade...
The call to "cmox_rsa_pkcs1v15_encrypt" requires a "Random buffer" and a "Random Length (in Bytes)" as input parameters. It will return error code CMOX_RSA_ERR_WRONG_RANDOM if "Random material too short or not valid for the functionality".I keep gett...
Hi all,we would implement SBSFU (Secure Boot and Secure Firmware Update) on STM32U585.Our goals are:application do not use TrustZone feature (TZ_EN = 0)we want to avoid access to MCU on field (Device protection, for exapmle RDP = 1)question: if on fi...
Hello all.I have a question about how to use KMS_GenerateKeyPair() function. There are no examples in the code, and API description is not really enough for my little brain. Could somebody provide me an example on how it should be used? What kind of ...
Hi,My question is about project structure.To implement SBSFU what is the best or correct approach if I have a project that I would like to flash to a target incorporating SBSFU?Import four project folders (SBSFU, SECoreBin, UserApp and MyProject) int...
Hello .According to the reference manual, the default RDP level is set to level 1. However, after performing a full erase with ST-Link and then writing the hex file, the RDP level was found to be set to 0.I would like to set the RDP level to 1 at the...
The project uses Trustzone with a secure bootloader (based on mcuboot) and non-secure application.The application enters STOP3 mode, waiting for interrupt, with EXTI configured on a GPIO line to trigger an interrupt.Waking up from stop mode works per...
Hi,While using the STM32Cube_FW_H5_V1.1.1 repository to explore secure boot on the STM32H5, I saw that the configuration file to generate OEMiRoT_Data.obk is missing. As I want to use my own keys and certificates for the OEMiRoT example application, ...
So, I want to modify provisioning.bat and/or XML files to create an SFI that contains our developed non-secure app instead of default one, Secure Manager, and the various (especially DA one) OBKs.This will then be downloaded into factory-fresh (only ...