User Activity

Hello ST Community,I'm currently working on a project using the STM32WB55 MCU and am in the process of implementing Secure Boot and Secure Firmware Update (SBSFU) in my custom application. As part of this, I decided to test the existing 1_Image_SBSFU...
Hi ST support team,I'm trying to implement OTA in my application using the BLE-OTA bootloader firmware and test it using BLE sensor application running on a mobile device. I have successfully tested the BLE-OTA using the heart rate sensor OTA applica...
Hi ST Support Team,I am reaching out regarding an issue I have encountered while attempting to utilize USB CCID functionality on the STM32WB55 MCU. Recently, I integrated the CCID driver from the following link into my project.
Hello ST Support Team,I am currently facing an issue with the BLE functionality on my custom board utilizing the STM32WB55CE MCU. While the code works flawlessly on the STM32WB Nucleo EVK, the BLE feature doesn't seem to function as expected on my cu...
Hi,I configured LPUART with 57600 baudrate. With this baudrate configuration Rx interrupt stop working if I send more than 11 bytes of Data on UART. With the same configuration there is no issue in transmit. Also in receive if I send less than 10 byt...