STM32 MCUs Motor control

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Forum Posts

MCSDK 6.3.2 is out !

Dear MCSDK users, MCSDK version 6.3.2 is now available: Download It here. This is a bug fix release and here are the main changes for this version: Motor Control Features: FOC Fixed CORDIC Modulus computation in case of negative alpha value Fixed iss...

GMA by ST Employee
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Board Manager documentation is out !

The documentation of the Board descriptions format is now available on Motor Control Boards Description Wiki page, this documentation is compatible with MCSDK versions from 6.1.2. Board Descriptions are used by the ST motor-control workbench to enabl...

Zied b. by ST Employee
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MCSDK documentation and your feedback

Motor Control Wiki: STM32 Motor Control Knowledge Database - stm32mcuMC Frequently asked questions (FAQ):Frequently asked questions (FAQ) - stm32mcu   The documentation of the Board descriptions format is now available on the Motor Control Wiki:   Wi...

Zied b. by ST Employee
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What is the reason for compile errors with STM32CubeIDE for STEVAL-SPIN3201 and STEVAL-ESC001V1 sample programs that are unable to find modules even though the libraries with the "missing" modules are in the includes?

Compile error is: make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/david/STM32CubeIDE/workspace_1.1.0/SPIN3201/SDK5x - STEVAL-SPIN3201 - BullRunning/Drivers/STM32F0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f0xx_hal_exti.c', needed by 'Drivers/STM32F0xx_HAL_Driver/stm32f0x...

DCyr by Associate III
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Resolved! Start a motor with heavy load

Hello everybodyI'm using MotorControl Workbench and Motor Control SDK 5.4.1.I need to control some power tools up to currents of 40A peak. I developed a board similar to IHM08M1 and I'm very satisfied of the power delivered to motors. There's only a ...

Setting engine control modes in the FOC SDK

Hello colleagues! In the process of working in FOK SDK 4.3 with the controller STM32F302RE, I had several questions:1) When using the HFI mode, I can not configure the control settings. Perhaps you have some kind of guide to configure each parameter....

ABush.2 by Associate
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STM32CubeMX error loading existing project

"Can't Add: MotorControl files not found"This above is the error I get when I try to load an existing project using STCubeMX V5.6.0.My toolchain set up works on my laptop and I attempted to duplicate the same tools on my work computer. Both are Wind...

BTrem.1 by Senior II
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Resolved! Why are Regular Conversion Manager (RCM) functions not present in the MC SDK 5.4.3 code while present in the documentation?

Hi,I am develloping a system using the motor control sdk. I am usiung the ‎STSPIN32F0‎ chip and the following software versions:This module only has one ADC peripheral and I need to use it in my application. Looking around, I have found that the Regu...

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PBela.1 by Associate II
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