STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32F407 USB CDC data transmission

Hello all,I am using STM32F407 , in that i am able to communicate with USB Full speed mode. In that i am trying to send data serially from android phone which act as a Host and STM32F407 act as Device. When i trying to send 2KB data serially to my US...

USB_CDC on STM32F0 series

I'm trying USB_CDC FS (Full Speed) on STM32F072C8 Controller. I'm able to Transmit data larger than 64 bytes to PC, but not able to receive data more than 64 bytes.I'm using CDC_Receive_FS function for receiving and buffer size is 1000.If i send 100 ...

BPR by Associate II
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Calling HAL_SRAM_Init() twice ?

Hello,HAL contains both HAL_SRAM_Init and HAL_NOR_Init.But what if we have additional memory in PSRAM (FPGA device in our case).If we register the additional interface with HAL_SRAM_Init , it will call HAL_SRAM_MspInit again , and register again with...

ranran by Senior II
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Resolved! USB MSC Transmit packet problem.

Hello. I have custom board with STM32H743 and USB3320 in Full Speed Mode. Dont have problem with initialization of MSC (Window read descriptor, configuration and other). But when read blocks from SD card some trouble occurs. With USBPcam and Wireshar...

How to debug USB related issues?

HiI use the STM32L452 which is configured as a USB CDC device using CubeMX. The device is used as a "gateway" that connects a linux host to a CAN bus system (essentially a USB-to-CAN adapter). The linux host configures the USB device as an SLCAN base...

abaldur by Associate III
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Bug in STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver, QUADSPI

Posted on May 04, 2018 at 11:24Hi,I found a bug in the quad spi driver for stm32l4xx. In the function  HAL_QSPI_Receive_IT, the interrupts flags must be cleared before start transfer otherwise flag TC could be missed:- WRITE_REG(hqspi->Instance->AR,...

Can't build STM32F746 Discovery + LwIP project

Hi everybody,I created a project for using the STM32F746 DISCOVERY board with LwIP utility (see image 1 and Image 2).  As soon as the project gets created i tried to build it, but ended up not beeing able to do so and getting the error shown in image...

MEsco by Associate II
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