Resolved! Programming flash with DMA
Hello,I would like to know if it's possible to write from RAM to FLASH using a DMA.I tried to configure a DMA as memtomem, using the HAL_DMA_Start function but it doesn't work.Is it doable ?Thank you.François
Hello,I would like to know if it's possible to write from RAM to FLASH using a DMA.I tried to configure a DMA as memtomem, using the HAL_DMA_Start function but it doesn't work.Is it doable ?Thank you.François
Using the HAL drivers, it seems that every communications routine (I2C, USART, SPI) has to know exactly how many characters to send, and exactly how many to receive. Now for sending, that's never a problem. For reception, that's been a constant pro...
Hello All,I need to read 4 ADC values with period of 1 Khz in interrupt mode.After reading various post I found out that DMA will be used but I want to read multiple value periodically so should i use ADC injected conversion mode and setNo. of conver...
Hi,I want to play MP3 files that are located in an external flash.Do I need to load the files to RAM for playing them, or can I play them directly from flash?I'm asking because I might not have enough RAM for loading the whole file all at once.Thanks...
Hi,I have designed a pcb with STM32F103C8T6 for my application . i have attached the image of schematic here. I usually program with STM link V2 with arduino IDE and upload method as stmlink. i dont find any problem with the program loading. but, whe...
Hello, I have an STM32F407G-DISC1 and it has not been fun. when I try to plug it into my PC it always goes to Unspecified in Device and printers. i have tried this on 2 pcs ant the same thing happens. Thank you if you read this!
I'm looking for the appropriate MCU to include as a main processing unit in a DAC product I'm designing. The product uses an XMOS for USB Audio and is in need for a central CPU with a more approachable programming model. I came around choosing betwee...
Hello everyoneI'm trying to upgrade/update my firmware via DFU. USB device is succesfully connect to my PC, When I press Upgrade, interface not show any problem but actually my application area flash still FF. I can not program application area? Ayno...
Using CubeMX I generated a project that uses just the USB Device and CDC middleware. It builds without errors, however when plugged into Windows PC it fails to enumerate. The error shown is "A request for the USB BOS descriptor failed." I hope someon...
Hi everyone,i have an issue i can't connect to my com port using a composite device project.In the device manager everything is fine and the mcu is displaying as 2 devices but somehow i can't connect to the com port with any terminal program.I attach...