STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

STM32F103 boot loader question

Occasionally I get a crash - I think when stack meets heap in certain circumstances but I'm still working on that and it's not the issue I'm asking about.The problem is that when the processor crashes I use the boot loader to reload another code buil...

MikeDB by Lead
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in STM32F373 SDADC example for RTD measurement and I am getting huge noise in raw ADC and RTD temperature variation after configuring other peripherals like TSC and SPI for LCD.

I have used SDADC RTD temperature measurement example from \STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F3_V1.10.0\Projects\STM32373C_EVAL\Examples\SDADC\SDADC_TempMeasurementwith the same micro STM32F373 and I am getting huge noise in raw ADC and RTD temperat...

Communication UART

Good morning,HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2,myRxData,11,10);HAL_UART_Receive(&huart2,myRxData,11,100);My question is: only to make a test of sending and receiving data is enough to use the previous functions and make the connection of the pins tx with rx ...

lmeli by Associate II
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Resolved! Use of UART HAL Drivers

Hello,I'm designing an application where a PCB with STM32F031C6 has to receive a minimum of 5 bytes via an half-duplex communication. Transmission is delimited by special character, ASCII is used. Ideally, the transmission would be composed by 3 data...

MFran.10 by Associate II
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HAL_UART_Receive_IT usage

I'm having trouble understanding correct usage of the HAL UART functions to receive incoming bytes. The function assumes you know the byte count in advance. I would expect a receive function to respond to receive buffer full,empty and maybe half full...

Documents on CAN Hal libraries.

Hi,I'm working with a STM32F446, on a CAN Bus system. My question is on PDF documents: there is a new version of the document UM1725 (or other) where find the new complete set of functions (like HAL_CAN_AddTxMessage(..)) ? . The only way is read the ...