G4 FW_1.0.0 missing __HAL_DMA_SET_COUNTER ?
Is there any reason __HAL_DMA_SET_COUNTER is missing from FW_V1.0.0?__HAL_DMA_GET_COUNTER is there.
Is there any reason __HAL_DMA_SET_COUNTER is missing from FW_V1.0.0?__HAL_DMA_GET_COUNTER is there.
HelloI got the X-NUCLEO-IPS02A1 and wonted to look at the examplecode X-CUBE-IPS02A1 but there is no download link availible. At the top is a get Softwarelink but on the bottom the real link is missing:https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/em...
I have STM32F0DISCOVERY. I want to have a USB contact with a PC but to power the board from an external power supply. If it is possible?
I recently started a project with the L100 using SPL and it worked out great. I also was looking to migrate to a newer chipset family L0 but found out there wasn't an SPL available for the L0. I will dig into the manual but want to know if it is a bi...
does timer Callback erase some value of poiteur. i used a poiter to CAN_HandleTypeDef then i initialised it, after that i set a timer with 1ms period, and when callback timer is called i lose my seeting of CAN_HandleTypeDef , the fileds which changes...
I can't get into boot loader mode (from what i can tell). The PC won't detect the USB port etc.What I've tried:I tried dumping the code to STM32F407 MCU through RS232(Flash loader), com port is detecting after that when we enter next it is showing ...
Hi,we are trying to communicate with STM32F769I discovery board as spi slave with another master device.We wanted to know how to configure the Chip select line
Hi,I had been working with a project using a STM32F411RE device, with the STM32F4 package version 1.24.0. I installed the version 1.24.1 and would like to update the project, but when i open the Cube project it doesn't ask me for the update.Is there ...
No question, just an observation. In App Note 2606, the latest rev 37 dated 6 May 2019... for the STM32F412xx, Table 3 shows the bootloader ID as 0x91, but in Table 126 it is shown as 0x90.I also found another error after transcribing all those data...