Timers don't workI started Timer 2 in simple mode but it couldn't startthen I returned the firmware to the previous version 1.7.0 and the problem was resolved
Timers don't workI started Timer 2 in simple mode but it couldn't startthen I returned the firmware to the previous version 1.7.0 and the problem was resolved
Hi.......I have created my own web page and making a LED ON/OFF through that web page when i insert IP address in the web browser. Now, I have my own web server and i want to link that server to my STM32f2 interface with enc28j60 and want to send s...
Hello to everyone,First of all, excuse me if this post isn't posted in the correct group, but I didn't know in which one it should be posted.About my doubt:I'm using the functions HAL_UART_Receive_IT and HAL_UART_Transmit_IT to do a UART communicatio...
We are using custom board based on STM32F769I.i am trying to bring up USB HS port (connected 8gb flash drive using otg cable to HS port).I have configured HSE as 25MHZ ,and RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLM = 25; RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLN = 336; RCC_OscIni...
It is enable ADC DMA interruption by default in the STM32CubeHAL library, why did you do that?I do not need the ADC DMA interruption, what should I do?Please help me, thanks.
All,I am using an STM32F769 chip as a USB MSC Host. The device is fully functional with certain USB sticks, but not with others (typically works with 2.0 but has a range of issues with 3.0). Specifically, I am seeing that if I control the VBUS line v...
When powering a F3Discovery (rev.D) board through the USB-USER port, there is a 2 second gap in the MCO clock signal (coming form the ST-LINK chip). See sceenshot1 (ch1=5V , ch2=MCO at SB12). When power is applied there is about 20ms worth of clock-c...
Hey, I want enabling and set PVD Level, but I still cannot enable PVDE bit on CR2 (PWR Register), Anyone can help me ? ThankyouG
Hi,This is not an STM32 question, but more related to LWIP. Yet, maybe someone here will have an idea.We use LWIP AS-IS from the example, and we test the Ethernet receive in high load with udp packets. We see that when send from the tester device sm...
Hello,In the new version of "STM32CubeExpansion_Cloud_AZURE", file "comodo_baltimore.pem" does not exist. The content of this file sets the TLS root CA certificates.