STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

STM32F103C8Tx / USART1 remap issue

STM32CubeMX : Version 5.3.0Package : STM32CubeF1 Firmware Package V1.8.0Project Settings : Toolchain / IDE = TrueSTUDIO MCU : STM32F103C8TxUSART1 > Mode = Single Wire (Half-Duplex) > Pin usage PB6Lib : LL​In USART1 GPIO Configuration section of USART...

Sam6600 by Associate
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firmware version information

Hello,I am using NUCLEO-F429ZI. I would like to add my application name, author, firmware version and so on information into application profile, how can I add them when I compile the program and save these information into controller? thank you.

Resolved! Ethernet controller clock

Sorry for a noob question...The DS for STM32H7 (DS12117 Rev 7, 3.42) says that a PHY can be clocked using 25 MHz from the microcontroller. The PHY we want to use, KSZ8873, has its own connection for 25/50 MHz oscillator. We'd prefer to put only one ...

Pavel A. by Evangelist III
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HAL legal notices

Hello,I do not know if this question was asked here before so i will apologize in advance for spamming.I want to build an application which is based on the HAL libraries and i do not know if i can use this libraries for free or there is some legal n...

DCipr by Associate
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Resolved! I2c receive with dma

hi I looked for a tutorial on dma receive i2c but I didn't find it, Itried with dma receive uart and it works perfectly:int main(void){HAL_Init(); MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_DMA_Init(); MX_USART2_UART_Init(); MX_USART6_UART_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ HA...

SDall by Associate II
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B-L475E-IOT01A AWS FREERTOS OTA implementation

I was initially using B-L475E-IOT1A board to test AWS freertos and it works all fine.Next, we needed to somehow support OTA on our product and found out thatAWS freertos also supports OTA and would like to try and implement it but couldnot find any s...

KDani by Associate
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STM32G0 SPI HAL problem (HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive)

​Hello Community,I would like to report a bug on STM32G0 HAL library provided by ST. As described in the object there is a bug on HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive function: basically an hard fault occurs if the receiving pointer is not 32 bit aligned.This is ...

Ste by Associate
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Function Pack

I get the impression all the downloads/packs, such as

Malachi by Associate II
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