STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

NUCLEO-F401RE .bin file

Hello,  I'm Emily and I'm fairly new at using NUCLEO devices and ToF sensor. I would like to ask if a board NUCLEO-F401RE could only run one .bin file or could it run two .bin file? I'm currently trying out STSW-IMG035 but would like to have Gesture ...

Resolved! F410: multiple definition of `huart2';

HI there, i m using F410 Nucleo, and i keep getting these errors when using USART2, as I declare in 2 separe files i.e. main.c and buffer.  could anyone advise how to resolve this?error: multiple definition of `huart2'; //main.c .. /* Private variabl...

Resolved! HAL_SPI_Receive_IT Also Transmits

I am using STM32F105xx family, working with HAL_SPI API.  I have discovered that the call to HAL_SPI_Receive_IT causes whatever data is in the provided buffer to be clocked out on MOSI.  This issue is also discussed to some extent in this thread, but...

Brian H by Senior
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Resolved! STM32F401Re issue with ADC

Hey folks.What I do is this: I get 14 ADC measurements on different channels, than use DMA to store them into an array. When this is ready an interrupt flag is raised, I make a copy of that array and send it via UART. There is a timer to control the ...

Resolved! CMSIS-RTOS2 - I2C read/write

HiI use the HAL library and CMSIS-RTOS2infinite loops should not be used in the thread, but I need to wait, for example, for the packet to be sent via I2C, because I need to write and read right after each other, and if I don't wait for the HAL_I2C_S...

PNova.2 by Associate II
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