STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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send a message to HiveMQ

  I am running an STM32 NUCLEO F429ZI project connected to HiveMQ, with the following details in the mqtt_app.c file using LWIP and MBEDTLS: char* strUrlDefault = "mqtt://"; char* strUsernameDefault = "SmartHome"; char* strP...

QuangIoT_0-1729506155323.png QuangIoT_1-1729506240236.png QuangIoT_2-1729506325355.png
QuangIoT by Associate II
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Resolved! LT6810 Library import in stm32H753 code

I am writing the code stm32H7ZIT6 based master to control slaves based on LTC6810 ic. Although, I am getting errors while importing the specific LTC libraries needed for making this setup work. I am trying to import specifically these libraries 1. LT...

hvs_learn by Associate II
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STM32 problem with UART RX throught DMA

Hello,I am implementing the use of the DMA for receiving data from the UART on a board with an STM32G491 that is constantly receiving data at 19200 baud.The DMA is configured in normal mode, and the receive buffer is currently of 50 bytes.Each time t...

Smark by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F429ZI fixed Ethernet with LWIP

I hope this email finds you well. I am currently working with the STM32 NUCLEO F429ZI and encountering challenges with Ethernet connectivity. Specifically, I am looking for example projects demonstrating how to connect STM32 to Ethernet, both using a...

QuangIoT by Associate II
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Resolved! What causes HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock() to call HardFaultHandler()? It calls WRITE_REG(FLASH->OPTKEYR, FLASH_OPTKEY1); and jumps directly to HardFaultHandler().

The HAL_FLASH documentation is especially poor. There in no overview of what you have to do. You would think (because of lack of anything saying different) you have to HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock()HAL_FLASH_Program(...)HAL_FLASH_OB_Lock()The first command H...

KiptonM by Lead
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Resolved! STM32F042C6U6 ADC DMA Read Multi Channel

Hello,I made a Motor Driver Circuit and I want to read the ADC via DMA, but it has different settings compared to other microcontrollers such as F4, G4, F0. How can I do it or is there a code or video that can be an example?  STM32F042C6U6 SettingsOt...

f042 settings.png f042 settings 2.png other mcu settings 2.png other mcu settings.png
Sergen by Associate III
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