STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! STM32F769 Discovery kit & FATFS

In the frame of testing the STM32F7xx MCU, we test the file management capabilities of the STM32F769 Discovery kit. The configuration of the platform to access the SD card has been built with STM32CubeMX (FreeRTOS + FATFS).The code for the test is th...

TPier by Associate III
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I have a STM32F373VCT6 MCU with CAN bus connected to PD0 and PA12 pins. I also have an old project which have these pins configured by hands and CAN bus works properly for this project. Now, I need to create new project for this MCU and I try to do i...

Empty STM32L4R5 (with factory default settings) will try peripheral boot through system memory no matter what (bug?). PA9 then becomes output (as USART1_TX). Shall we use a resistor for VBUS?

Strangely an empty STM32L4R5 will try to boot from system memory and then will try all peripherals turning GPIOs to outputs while trying. Of course this is very dangerous if not taken into account in the design of boards that are to be started with "...