LPUART customized bootloader for STM32L051
hello does any one developed a customized bootloader for STM32L051 or similar via LPUART?I didn't find it in Internet.Thank you.
hello does any one developed a customized bootloader for STM32L051 or similar via LPUART?I didn't find it in Internet.Thank you.
When i am configuring the required details for the timer operations in Free rtos and getting osTimer functions. Is that ok to carry on with them or how to implement the xTimers functions?Please let me the answers.Thanks in advance.
I am trying to implement a simple MBEDTLS communication firmware with my STM32F417VE.I am using STM32CubeMX as configuration tool and Atollic 9.3.0 as IDE. MBEDTLS, LWIP, FREERTOS and ETHERNET are all set from the STM32Cube.I am trying to perform a s...
I have a NUCLEO-F401RE, which has a virtual serial port associated with the built-in ST-LINK/V2-1.This is very convenient and handy, but I'm having issues with it.The first time I tried using this feature, it worked fine. The serial port associated w...
I am trying to start a one shot timer for a variable delay from an external interrupt (not a timer interrupt) which I know how to do by calling the follow code: HAL_TIM_Base_Start_IT(&htim6); HAL_TIM_OnePulse_Start_IT(&htim6, TIM_CHANNEL_ALL)...
I am trying to interface with a VEML7700 light sensor. Specifically I need to generate the following request:<start><0x10><Wr><ACK><0x04><ACK><start><0x10><Rd><ACK><8bitdata><ACK><8bitdata><ACK><NAK><STOP> where: <Wr> is a single zero bit, <Rd> is ...
cube version: 5.3.0FW version: FW_F1_V1.8.0at file: stm32f1xx_hal_tim.h line: 1745there is a ")"at last second char can cause an error when use this timer input capture
I uploaded the STM32F407 FW to the board, that I downloaded from the website (did not build myself). I have the AWE Designer Version 7.A.0.8 STMicro.I have both USBs plugged in, CM1 at top of board to PC, and CM5 connected to same PC, I can see the S...
we are working on Nucleo STM32H743ZI , we are trying program through Flash loader by using UART to this controller but in target board only showing STM8 boards, how to get resolve this issue.
Hello,I am working on the customized board with MCU STM32F767 + + LAN8742A + freeRTOS. The USB MSC host was working if no TCP server code was added. But when I add the TCP code, MSC is not working any more.The code is as below:if tcpip_init(NULL, NU...