STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

1. What USB mode are supported by NUCLEO-F401RE which can be used to connect with PC 2. Can board connect as USB OTG? 3. NUCLEO-F401RE driver required for PC – Windows & Linux? If yes, are they available?

Want to Know all the USB stack supported by NUCLEO-F401RE extra of Virtual COM port, Mass storage, Debug port?NUCLEO-F401RE does support OTG?Interrupt Transfer is supported by NUCLEO-F401RE or have any near future plan to support?Driver for NUCLEO-F4...

CParm by Associate
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CH1 insted of CH3 in TIM_PWMOutput Example_LL

There is a bug in CubeH7 examples. Folder: STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.7.0\Projects\NUCLEO-H7A3ZI-Q\Examples_LL\TIM\TIM_PWMOutputFile: main.cFunkcion: TimerCaptureCompare_Callback()Instead of "if (LL_TIM_OC_GetCompareCH1(TIM3) > ARR )" should be "if (LL_TIM_O...

JSzem.1 by Associate II
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Websocket over TCP implementation error

Hi,i made a webscoket server over TCP on STM32F429VI with lwip stack. I would like to use on local network. I used this nectonn examples for TCP communication. The connection and the websocket handshake works fine, the client can send a message to my...

USB PD How to use Augmented PDO (APDO)

Hi there,I am using the x-cube-usb-pd in TCPM/TCPC configuration (USBPD_TCPM_LIB_PD3_CONFIG_1).My questions are:Is Augmented PDO (APDO) and variable PDO supported in this config? Or do we need to use USBPD_TCPM_LIB_PD3_FULL?If we define an APDO and w...

Resolved! STM32F446VET USB FS Peripheral isn't working

Hi all,​I've met a weird issue, when using STM32F446VET chip to connect PC by USB, and PC alerts 'USB can't be recognized'.​I've go throught some related topics on the forum, but unfortunately all didn't help. For example,1) disable VBUS sensing2) in...

Azhan.1 by Associate II
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