STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Facing problem to Clear USB Buffer

I am sending data to USB (USB HID)like  buf[2]=0x04;    USBD_HID_SendReport(&hUsbDeviceFS,buf,8);then I Clear a buffer like buf[2]=0x00;USBD_HID_SendReport(&hUsbDeviceFS,buf,8);So it sends zero continuously through USB, So how to clear these buffe...

STAR by Associate II
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stm32f411e-disco bootloader Usart1

Hi I am trying unsuccessfully to use the flash loader demostrator to load the new firmwire.I have pinned the Boot1 (0 to gnd) and Boot0 (1 to vdd) pins.For the application (Flash loader demostrator I set the parity even, data bit 8 and speed 115200. ...

OTofa.1 by Associate
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Guide / user manual for HAL

Hello,I'm trying to use HAL for STM32H7. I have the "Description of STM32FH7HAL and LL drivers" which contains more than 3000 pages. But it is only a description of HAL.Can we find somewhere a guide, an application note or any document which explains...


1�?用STM32CUBEMX生�?的代�?,stm32f405+st25ru3993,使用freertos​两个任务如下,一个闪�?LED,�?�一个测试�?�延时500msvoid StartDefaultTask(void *argument){ /* USER CODE BEGIN StartDefaultTask */ /* Infinite loop */ for(;;) { HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(SYS_LED_GPIO_Port,SYS_LED_Pin);   ...

along ma by Associate
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STM32F207- USB interfacing

using cubeMX tried to interface USB port, at first time when it is interfaced with PC it makes data transferring but once hard reset is done thereafter it does not work.please guide me how to make this to work at all time thankschandrasekaran V

Cvadi.1 by Associate II
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