found a wrong definition in library from cube for STM32f4xx
I think on definition of Limit 3 is a error in the firmwarelibraryBoth OR are the same values.#define LL_ADC_MULTI_REG_DMA_EACH_ADC 0x00000000U #define LL_ADC_MULTI_REG_DMA_LIMIT_1 ( ...
I think on definition of Limit 3 is a error in the firmwarelibraryBoth OR are the same values.#define LL_ADC_MULTI_REG_DMA_EACH_ADC 0x00000000U #define LL_ADC_MULTI_REG_DMA_LIMIT_1 ( ...
Hi,I want to implement a bootloader for FOTA process. My bootloader code resides in sector 0 and application code in sector 5(the firmware to be updated ). But I am not able to jump from bootloader code to application code. Any help will be highly us...
in usbh_msc.cif(status == USBH_OK) { MSC_Handle->max_lun = (MSC_Handle->max_lun > MAX_SUPPORTED_LUN)? MAX_SUPPORTED_LUN : (uint8_t )(MSC_Handle->max_lun) + 1U; USBH_UsrLog ("Number of supported LUN: %lu", (int32_t)(MSC_Handle->max_lun)); ...
I have an existing stm32f439vitx custom board project which works fine when flashed at address 0x08000000 which I now need to make runnable from an existing bootloader expecting the program to have been flashed at address 0x8008000. Is it enough to c...
Hi all, Thanks for the sharing the experience and support.My application Info: I required to develop two independent program (Bootloader,Application ) Bootloader Address range - 0x08000000 - 0x08007FFF (Sector 0,Sector 1)Application Address range ...
Hi all,I have a STM32H743 running at 400MHz with simple USB 1 wiring to an USB A jack. It works fine, no issues, runs for hours with thousands of read and write operations.But there is one little issue that drives me crazy:If I plug in and unplug one...
I'm working on firmware for a flight controller with the STM32F405. The board communicates with a computer using VCP over USB. I'm debugging a driver for the backup SRAM, to recover in case of a firmware crash. The crash handler is programmed to save...
Hi, I'm trying to configure STM32H7 and STM32G4 FDCANs to generate an ISR on transmit complete frame.I call the functios to enable respective ISRs:HAL_FDCAN_ActivateNotification(&hfdcan1, FDCAN_IT_TX_COMPLETE, 0); HAL_FDCAN_ActivateNotification(&hfd...
Hello all,I'm trying to implement an SPI slave using stm32 u-controler. the master is as an i want to be able to read and write different registers in the micro.the FPGA generates a repeating read command in the next structure (there is also ...