STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Read Protection For Stm32

I am using a stm32f4 processor, using the dual bank feature, I have a code that has the code update . In Code update mode, I can perform code update by performing Bank1 and Bank2 management over Ethernet, and when I restart the device, the system sta...

DCtech by Associate II
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STM32F103 USB Packet Memory

Writing a USB Driver using a China manufactured "Blue Pill"I'm not using HAL or Cube.I wrote some code to test the USB cell and my understanding of how it works.I tested the USB's Packet memory which is 512 bytes organized as 256 words. The Applicat...

Joe.H by Senior
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STM32H7 ROM bootloader issue with factory units

We found some STM32H743VIT6 devices shipped from the supplier are not able to be programmed over ROM bootloader. After programming with ST-LINK/SWD, ROM bootloader works fine and MCU is able to be programmed . Our bootloader interface is UART1.Is the...

AAtan by Associate
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