Incomplete register description in STM32F767.svd file
The CAN3EN field of the RCC_APB1ENR is missing in the STM32F7_svd_V1.5/STM32F767.svd file, from the link.Regards,Pierre Molinaro
The CAN3EN field of the RCC_APB1ENR is missing in the STM32F7_svd_V1.5/STM32F767.svd file, from the link.Regards,Pierre Molinaro
I’m using STM32746G-Discovery board. Can you share latest Demonstrations software binary file? I want to flash STM32746G-Discovery board with fully loaded Demonstrations binary file
Hello everyone, We are using in our compant STM32F4... for specific application.Now I want to implement the built in boot loader of STM32 that described AN3155.Anyone know a source code in C that implement it?
I want to read the general accelerometer register of the I2C interface.I think it can be achieved by using HAL_I2C_Mem_Read ().I set the second argument DevAddress to the value of the accelerometer slave address shifted left by 1 bit.This is a HAL ru...
I think on definition of Limit 3 is a error in the firmwarelibraryBoth OR are the same values.#define LL_ADC_MULTI_REG_DMA_EACH_ADC 0x00000000U #define LL_ADC_MULTI_REG_DMA_LIMIT_1 ( ...
Hi,I want to implement a bootloader for FOTA process. My bootloader code resides in sector 0 and application code in sector 5(the firmware to be updated ). But I am not able to jump from bootloader code to application code. Any help will be highly us...
in usbh_msc.cif(status == USBH_OK) { MSC_Handle->max_lun = (MSC_Handle->max_lun > MAX_SUPPORTED_LUN)? MAX_SUPPORTED_LUN : (uint8_t )(MSC_Handle->max_lun) + 1U; USBH_UsrLog ("Number of supported LUN: %lu", (int32_t)(MSC_Handle->max_lun)); ...
I have an existing stm32f439vitx custom board project which works fine when flashed at address 0x08000000 which I now need to make runnable from an existing bootloader expecting the program to have been flashed at address 0x8008000. Is it enough to c...
Hi all, Thanks for the sharing the experience and support.My application Info: I required to develop two independent program (Bootloader,Application ) Bootloader Address range - 0x08000000 - 0x08007FFF (Sector 0,Sector 1)Application Address range ...