Example for TICKLESS IDLE mode and STOP2
HiCould someone please provide a working example for FreeRTOS configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE mode with STOP2 Low power mode?It should include UART functioning correctly.Thanks
HiCould someone please provide a working example for FreeRTOS configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE mode with STOP2 Low power mode?It should include UART functioning correctly.Thanks
any body have example code for jump to application code for bootloader, or any specific settings need to made.#define BPC_APPL_START_ADDRESS 0x08080000 U_INT32 JumpAddress = *(__IO U_INT32*)(BPC_APPL_START_ADDRESS+4); pFunction Jump = (pFunction)J...
Act as the DFP. I request the PE to send SOP identify request to the UFP after PE received the data it didn't fire the callback function. (I set the breakpoint at fusb305_tcpc_get_message and i see the data received from the DFP is correct.)But when...
There is a wrong comment in AN2606 (Rev 42) in Table 130 for STM32L552 and CAN BootloaderThe Comment for FDCAN bootloader tells:USB FS configured in forced devicemode.USB FS interrupt vector is enabled andused for USB DFU communications.Note: VDDUSB ...
Please support me to complete this task.------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks & Regardsswapnil Maskar.M:9767067210
I tried to use the two ports independently, the USB HS with a pendrive (MSC) and the USB FS with a keyboard (HID), but I couldn't.It only works if the ports are treated in sequence, but not in parallel.From what I could see, the HAL libraries are sha...
USART1 works as expected from firmware loaded via SWD. However the ST bootloader does not work. It never responds to the initial 0x7F with anything. I have scoped tx and rx and cannot see anything wrong and, as stated above, the UART works under the ...
Hi, I plan to use the STM32L082 for a product that must be safely in-field upgraded. I am trying to understand the dual bank feature to see if this could help me. I would like to have the production firmware in Bank 1 via SWD, and the Bank 2 would be...
Hello,I believe I have a rather curious situation. I was able to jump to the device embedded boot-loader (USB) which works nicely. However if button connected to PA0 is pressed (rising edge), the boot-loader reboots to main code. Pin PA0 is previousl...