Resolved! I2S for STM32F429
Is there any example walking thru how to convert a .wav file of the audio to play on STM32F429?
Is there any example walking thru how to convert a .wav file of the audio to play on STM32F429?
Hi there,I currently have a system where I am using a UART Rx/Tx in "interrupt mode". Right now I am receiving packets of indeterminant length so I have a "header" section that contains the size of the "body section".Basically my code bounces back an...
Posted on May 11, 2017 at 12:58Hi,i designed a flight controller board based on STM32F303. i have a weird problem where each time i assembled a complete board, initially there will be no problem and PC will be able to detect and connect with the boa...
Dear all, can i control GPIOs of STM32F030C8 in system memory bootloader? i.e. i need to force a logic low for a specific pin before and while using the boot-loader?
Hi,what happens when the CPU enters the default bootloader?AN2606 lists all peripheral units that are always re-initialized (e.g. UART, SPI, I2C, ..)What happens to the other ports and GPIOs (e.g. Port E/F/G)? Are all GPIOs reset or do they keep thei...
Hello, In my bootloader time base source is Timer 6 and application its SysTick. When I make same time base for both ( i.e. timer 6), my application works fine.Before jumping to main application I am de-installing timer 6 using below function but sti...
Hi, I am writing my bootloader, I changed MSP and reset handler value correctly so code is able to got application mode. In my application I changed VTOR value as below but still my application is getting stuck post sending data to UART.I am using S...
I have a working example of the SDMMC FATFS demo firmware using HAL version 1.3.2. I want to convert the firmware to use HAL version 1.7.0. However, when I perform the conversion to 1.7.0 the SDMMC no longer works. Any access to the SD card results i...
Hello,Please help me with your opinions on my concern which is related with ease of reading and understanding. Please review my last comment that I uploaded to:,Rajeev
Hello I am using these lines in order to put my STM32F10x to sleep mode:void enter_LPSleep (void) { //Suspend SYS Tick HAL_SuspendTick(); //Enable Power Control Clock __HAL_RCC_PWR_CLK_ENABLE(); //Put regulator to low power mode HAL_PWR_EnterS...