Hi, I'm looking for a NB-IoT capable modem module that could be used together with STM32L4 B-L475E-IOT01A Discovery kit and the X-NUCLEO-STMODA1 expansion board.
The idea is to create a FreeRTOS application that can send sensor data to AWS IoT.
The idea is to create a FreeRTOS application that can send sensor data to AWS IoT.
Dear ST Hello,could you tell me please the real clock value set in this example,\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.25.1\Projects\STM32F429I-Discovery\Examples\SPI\SPI_FullDuplex_ComDMAThe clock frequency between master and slave must be equal, ...
Hi !This issue is still not fixed in the current F4 firmware V1.25.If USE_FULL_ASSERT is used the parameter check for a valid calculated value of PLLN=96 by STM32CubeMx fails.The old issue was closed therefore please raise a ticket (again) - thanks !...
We are designing a USB PD LiPo charger that can receive power from a variety of USB PD sources. It is based around a charger IC designed to handle a wide range of input voltages with internal control of the current draw. For example, our design can d...
The licensing of STM32Cube is a bit special. BSD is used for most of the components but some use the more restrictive "ST SLA0044" instead (https://www.st.com/resource/en/license_agreement/SLA0044.txt).It says, among other things, that "...no use, re...
Hello, I'm using STM32F7 and using LWIP with ethernet.So now I want to add the SSL certificate to authen to DNS broker like abc.com. Anyone have any example to do that?Many thanks,Hieu
The 2 instances where hfdcan->Instance->TXBAR is written in stm32h7xx_hal_fdcan.c (as means of activating a TX reqeust for a given CANFD packet) use a direct value assignment to the register:hfdcan->Instance->TXBAR = BufferIndex;hfdcan->Instance->TXB...
If we want to implement USB to multi-interface at the same timesUSB to UART1~3USB to I2C1~3USB to SPI USB to PWMUSB to SD cardWe use STM32F4 , USB 2.0 have 5 in / 5 out endpointsi think we could use USB mass storage protocol to implement USB to SDbu...
Hi everyone! I need to write a bootloader for STM32F070CB. What I want is to be able to do Device Firmware Update over USB. On the PC side, there will be a software written in QT so the end-user can update device firmware. I haven't written any bootl...
Is there any example walking thru how to convert a .wav file of the audio to play on STM32F429?