STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Function HAL_SRAM_Write_DMA(....) setup

Dear all,I am trying to use the above function to transfer data from STM32F429 to an external SRAM device but I am not able to see the signals generated.I can use without ptoblems a similar function (HAL_SRAM_Write_16b(...)). I am using STM32cubeIDE ...

Building/Importing Project with Makefile

Hi,I am trying to build this ( bootloader for STM32F070CB microcontroller. I tried importing it into Atollic TrueSTUDIO and Eclipse IDE. Couldn't properly import the project and when I build it I ge...

MTU automatically setting at LwIP

Hi,I’m using STM32H7xx with LwIP. My system works perfectly at my office, my home and even at my client in the US.However, only one location, at one of my colleague house, there are some issues with downloading file via LwIP.After instance investigat...

Lmali.1 by Associate III
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Extended Partition Support in FatFS

Hi,I am trying to use FatFS generated from STM CubeMx as middlewares. I am using STM32L4 with external memory eMMC. I see that I can create upto 10 (0-9) Logical Partitions, but when I look into f_fdisk API, seems like it takes only 4. I understand t...

nishal by Associate
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Debug the code through uart

Hi!I am using STM32F373RCT6 controller on custom board. In that board we have used USB to serial convertere chip FT2232HL-REEL and it is connected to USART1 (PA9 and PA10). STM32F373RCT6 system clock frequency is 70MHz.Can I use USB to serial option...

GAGGA.1 by Associate II
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