STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Ethernet (LwIP) on STM32F407VET

I am trying to confgiure LwIP on STM32F407VET with Firmware version STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.25.0I am using SWSTM32 as IDE, and configuring hardware on STM32CubeMX 6.0.1I am not able to configure LwIP, as the code gets stuck in ASSERT statement as shown in...


How to config the IO pin in Zephyr?

I am trying to porting Zephyr to my own board which is designed on stm32f429i_disc1.So I copy the folder zephyr\boards\arm\stm32f429i_disc1 for my porting.​A problem comes up when I am configuring the IO pin for I2C2.​In stm32f429i_disc1.dts, the i2c...

RTang.1 by Associate
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Best way to stop a PWM signal?

I am wondering which is a faster way to stop PWM generation. Would it be through HAL_TIM_PWM_Stop or by setting __HAL_TIM_SET_COMPARE to zero? I'm getting SPI commands via a raspberry pi and then based on those values, I start or stop the motors. The...

STM32F4 i2c DMA blocking

Hi,I've looked through the HAL code, and it looks like the DMA path blocks waiting for a ack response from the slave. Am I right in thinking that if i'm using the HAL to communicate with i2c then I will still be bottleknecked by the maximum speed of ...

APate.7 by Associate II
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Specify RAM regions in the linker script

Dear Support, i wold like to distinguish in the linker script, the DCTRAM from the other RAM in order to explicitly allocate some buffer, in my code, in the DCTRAM. So i changed the STM32F765VGTx_FLASH.ld from this (original version form CubeMX):/...

raffin by Associate III
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