why sTimeStampDate->Year = 0U; variable is cleared when time stamp is read?
why sTimeStampDate->Year = 0U; variable is cleared when time stamp is read?
Hello everyone, Can someone clarify what I'm reading in this function? This will be the value of the analog signal or it is a 1 and 0 train that I should pass through a digital lowpass filter?RegardsAlan
Hi,Im trying to establish an I2C communication between stm32f446nucleo board and stl32f469i disco board,I flashed the stm32f446-nucleo I2C master code example from cubeF4stm32f446 into an stm32f446 nucleo board and the slave I2C code example from ...
Hi,I did the function below to transmit TCP data: But I only can transmit up to 4K bytes using this function. If len is bigger than 4K bytes, nx_tcp_socket_send fails. void TCP_Send(void *buf, uint32_t len){ UINT ret; NX_PACKET *send_packet;nx_packet...
Hello,I'm working on a project based on stm32f103 (nucleo-64). I would like to exchange the data between the stm32f103 board and my PC using usb device. With COMx port the code works but the speed is slow, so I did some modifications to switch to bul...
I had a previous issue with the generated CubeMX code, but saw it was already found in: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000qwRCQSA2/possible-stm32g0-cube-mx-generation-error-for-usbAs per this fix, I am able to get USB DFU working in user ...
HelloI'm wanting an STM32 device to communicate with a laptop directly over the USB (i.e. using a CDC module). I've been following ST's "STM32 USB training - 09.3 USB CDC libusb device lab" video.In the video (at 13:18) they talk about installing a d...
Hi,I have a system that is packed entirely. I have only a USB port and reset pin for my access. Now, How can I move the controller from In-Application Programming mode to In-System Programming mode?
hi,we have the problem about the power consumption for stm32L452.with the cubeL4 example PWR_STOP1:STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.17.0\Projects\NUCLEO-L452RE\Examples\PWR\PWR_STOP1 having programmed the example into Nucleo STM32L452 board , the current in low po...
Hello,Doing some work using sd cards, and noticed that if i were to use the main.h file and have all my fatfs.h declared all the structs like FATFS / FIL / FRESULT spit out errors that theyre undefiend when cntrl clicking takes me to the file.unknown...