STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! Stm32CubeF4 I2C examples for different boards

Hi,​Im trying to establish an I2C communication between stm32f446nucleo board and stl32f469i disco board,​​I flashed the stm32f446-nucleo I2C master code example from cubeF4stm32f446 into an stm32f446 nucleo board and the slave I2C code example from ...

STM32F103 USB bulk

Hello,I'm working on a project based on stm32f103 (nucleo-64). I would like to exchange the data between the stm32f103 board and my PC using usb device. With COMx port the code works but the speed is slow, so I did some modifications to switch to bul...

How can a signature be added to a driver?

HelloI'm wanting an STM32 device to communicate with a laptop directly over the USB (i.e. using a CDC module). I've been following ST's "STM32 USB training - 09.3 USB CDC libusb device lab" video.In the video (at 13:18) they talk about installing a d...

RWilt.1 by Associate II
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