STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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H7 UDP example

Hello,We run on platform STM32H743ZI and I made new UdpEchoClient application using source STM32H743ZI _EVAL\Applications\LwIP (in other word UdpEchoClient for Nucleo144) without RTOS!Unfortunately , it doesn't work ...Maybe you know about any workin...

APasi by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F407 failed with printf float

Hello,I'm trying to setup the system based on SMT32F407 with ThreadX, and enable the print float option for logging feature. Everything works fine!But when we started stability test, thousands of logs are composed with vsnprintf, but it finally fails...

XLei.1 by Associate II
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I want to use TouchGFX with Azure RTOS

Hello.I want to use TouchGFX with AzureRTOS(Thread X).※board is STM32F769DISCO※TouchGFX Version is 4.16.0​I made stm32CubeIDE's project with TouchGFXDesigner.(selecting board→making Screen→Gnerate Code)​I opened this project with STM32CubeIDE.Next, I...

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onosho by Associate II
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STM32L412CBT6 controller interfacing with SPI-Fatfs-SD with battery power 2.8 volts. SD card detecting but f_open couldn't open a file and show an error. With same application working with regular power supply(2.8 volts)

I am Using STM32L412CBT6 controller in that the application working with a regular power supply 2.8 volts but with a battery the remianing modules(i2c/RTC) but in SPI F-open is not working

JRUDR.1 by Associate
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