FatFS implementation on external flash of STM32F413 Discover
Hi,I have STM32F413 Discovery borad and want to implement fatfs in external flash(N25Q128A13EF840F) of EVB.Do you have any doc or examples code that you can refer to?
Hi,I have STM32F413 Discovery borad and want to implement fatfs in external flash(N25Q128A13EF840F) of EVB.Do you have any doc or examples code that you can refer to?
I am working with demo board B-G474E-DPOW1 and the project from the STM32CubeG4 Sink examples. I am trying to figure out how to connect an Audio Accessory. I have such an adapter. When I connect it to the usb-c, I expect to see an event with the conn...
Hello ,i am testin my STM32F769I_EVAL board for USB Host Mass storage example from below project example C:\Users\Graffin01\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.15.0\Projects\STM32F769I_EVAL\Applications\USB_Host\MSC_Standalone\SW4STM32but i could...
I have been looking for something in the structure. while ((huart1.hdmatx->State != HAL_DMA_STATE_READY) && (huart1.hdmatx->Lock != HAL_UNLOCKED))But that does not seem to work. The only other way I can think of is when you call HAL_UART_Transmit_DM...
Hello,I have a project with FreeRTOS and LWIP (plus some other stuff). I ran into the problem, that if I set the optimization for my project (-O3 in my case) I get weird communication glitches. For example I only get a reply every 3rd or 4th ping, Pi...
Hello,I got the lwIP raw TCP working on my H743ZI2 NUCLEO which I'm quite proud of, but it's quite slow. Now I would like to assign more memory to the stack. By default it's running with 16KB heap I think. So the first thing I did was changing the MP...
In CubeF4 v1.21, OTG_HFIR is set in USB_InitFSLSPClkSel() to either USBx_HOST->HFIR = 48000U;or USBx_HOST->HFIR = 6000U;which according to the RMs is incorrect, as they should be set to value one less.This has been already noted by @tsuneo her...
Hello Dear DevelopersI don't know what is the procedure, but when a file is added to the project, the compiler no matter if it is Keil, STM32cubeide, or IAR, does a complete rebuild while LWIP is added to the project. What should I do or What I can d...
Hi, I'm trying to follow this tutorial :- https://youtu.be/Hk--a4K497M -- demonstrating how to transmit simple string to PC via usb virtual com port. Unfortunately, I'm getting no output on my serial port. During debugging, I found that CDC_Transmit_...
I have installed STM32CubeIDE on Ubuntu 20.04 and set a project for NUCLEO L552ZE-Q, i want to try examples of STM32L5, and found that it need STM32CubeL5. How to install it ?