STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32F7 control by http page

Hi, I would like to control my board with http page. I created test task:void http_task(void *pvParameters) {   struct netconn *client = NULL; struct netconn *nc = netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP);   // check alloocation socket if (nc == NULL) { ErrPri...

Ethercat master with ethernet capabilities

Hi,I would like to know if it is possible with a stm32f407 to drive 10 ethercat slave and communicate at the same time with my computer with an UDP protocol (2 ports).Or if UDP is impossible having multiple serial port, like this I can use an serial ...

FBOY3.1 by Associate
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Nucleo F767ZI Unable to Configure Serial Port

I am trying to use the VCOM on my nucleo board to print data to my computer for debugging and I followed this tutorial on how to do it. first time I tried it, it w...

KKolb.1 by Associate
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STM32F730R8+USB3300 ULPI does not work

Hi,I have been trying several days to make STM32F730R8 work with USB3300 through ULPI for USB OTG HS connection. First, I managed to make F407+USB3300 work. But then I tried to use STM32Cube to generate code for F730R8, first, the image can not be bu...

IYah by Associate II
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Resolved! xQueueSendFromISR hangs out application [SOLVED]

Hi All,I use FreeRTOS and I try to use USART by interrupt. When I call xQueueSendFromISR my application hangs out. I've set full assert but it never reaches assert_failed or Error_Handler functions. I use NUCLEO-64 STM32F411RE board with 1.25.0 firmw...

ZZida.1 by Associate II
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How receive data at IN EP on USB?

Hi,I'm developing a printer using a STM32F401. I created a USB VCOM project and change it to work as a printer.This project we're sending the data to print through OUT EP (addr 0x01) and our purpose is receive status in IN EP (addr 0x81) as well. We...

Resolved! FREERTOS Default CubeMX Project HardFault

Hi, I'm trying to execute a default CubeMX project for STM32F407 Disco with FreeRTOS. However, when I debug, it crashes with Hard Fault Handler, at the point of this function:prvPortStartFirstTask();So I can't start the system. I don't know why, if i...

JCOrtiz by Associate II
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