STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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WHY AZURE RTOS Usbx take time to initialize?

Hello,I am working on Nucleo-h745ziq board. According the Ux_Device_CDC_ accordingly I create project for Nucleo-H745ziq board. After connecting the user USB to port I have to go device driver and update the port after that I get the port in Tera ter...

MDeva.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! If I want to use UCPD2 in STM32G0B1RCT6, is HSI16 the only choice as the driving clock for this integrated PD controller? May i use HSE?

In my application, UCPD2 will be active for USB type C PD Sink (45W), which will be working together with other peripherals, such as timers, USB(DEVICE), etc. If the driving clock for UCPD2 is HSI16(in datasheet described), if no other choice, that m...

Lmatt.11 by Associate III
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We found some time the UART interrupt call back function (HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback) will shut down but the IRQ function (UART5_IRQHandler ) still working. Because we have add the counter in call back function and IRQ function 。

We found some time the UART interrupt call back function (HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback) will shut down but the IRQ function (UART5_IRQHandler ) still working. Because we have add the counter in call back function and IRQ function , when the communication ...

User.100 by Associate II
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