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Hi there. It appears that the STM32G0B1KET LQFP32 MCU lacks a UCPD1_CC2 pin. For this reason I have a couple questions.Can another pin be set to something that will function the same as the UCPD1_CC2 pin? Can UCPD_DBCC1 and UCPD_DBCC2 be used for nor...
Hi All, I designed my board with a STM32G0 series MCU with the main intention of using its USB-PD peripheral. I later realized that it is only the STM32G0x1 series MCUs would be capable of USB-PD while I will be receiving a board turn with an STM32G0...
Hi All, I followed the updated ST tutorial on Youtube for setting up USB-PD ( and I can't seem to actually get it to show up on the STM32CubeMonitor-UCPD app after following as closely as I could. I am desi...