STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! Porting Azure RTOS examples

Hi, last time I ported an Azure RTOS project there were only a handful of BSPs so I had to do some manual fiddling around to get it running on a nucleo board. Now that there is full support for H7 processors in the 2.0 package I'm wondering what the ...

OHaza.1 by Associate III
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Hello everyone, I want to set communication between outer world(USB) and inner world(STM32F407) in high speed. I used STM32F407VE as MCU and USB3320c-EZK as USB_PHY. And STM32CubeIde is used to generate code and proggraming ST.

I have some problems about programming USB CDC. The program goes into ERROR_HANDLER in   MX_USB_DEVICE_Init();. I think I made a mistake during set the configuration for running USB_OTG_HS and USB_DEVICE in ioc. (gui of STM32CubeIde). In " STM32F4xx_...